
Episode 74: Enjoying Success Without The Guilt

Embracing our success

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Many of us learned a healthy work ethic from our family system. However, what many of us didn't learn was a healthy reward ethic!

Entrepreneurs, businesses owners and anyone working towards success and financial reward, may find that when they get there they are filled with guilt about taking advantage of what they have achieved.

What will my family think? What will my staff think?

Part of adult maturity is being able to see objectively both the strengths and weaknesses of the family system, tribe that we grew up in. Going forward we want to be the kind of people who can model healthy giving without draining ourselves and healthy receiving which isn't followed by a guilt, lack of deserving attack!

When we learn to functionally embrace our success and what comes with it, we give others permission to do the same.

I hope you find the episode helpful!

Episode 59: Understand How To Follow Before Trying To Lead

Why following is an essential business skill

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There is so much talk about developing the skills of good leadership out there. I feel that the skills of being a good follower are massively under valued as a way to advance your professional career.

One of the most consistent complaints I hear from Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and CEOs is that they can't get enough good people to help deliver and support on the business vision.

What are some of the qualities that make up an effective follower? What would be the benefits in developing those skills for myself further?

This episode explores the power of following and how vital to modern business these skills are.

Episode 32: Self-Awareness and Business Intelligence

The fundamentals of creating a successful business

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Marty Vids is back on the program for this episode. I have heard of him being described as the Happy Entrepreneur which I think is very fitting! Apart from his integrity he has the results on the board having build three businesses from start up to a million dollars turn over a year after tax! Less than 3% of small business owners in Australia achieve that once let alone 3 times!

In this episode we cover a wide range of elements fundamental to creating a successful business, interacting with others, managing set backs and mastering adversity. Marty has a wealth of knowledge and insight to share around modern business, you will really enjoy and take away value form this episode!

Episode 23: Tips For Business - Start Ups To Millions

Featuring special guest Marty Vids

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Martin Vidakovic (aka: Marty Vids) is an amazing and highly successful entrepreneur. Marty also has the Marty Vids show, a podcast that interviews remarkable people in order to uncover the secrets of their success.

As far as Marty's business success it more than speaks for itself as he has built three businesses from Start up to a million dollars profit after tax per year. This is an accomplishment achieved by less than 3% of small businesses in Australia. 

An amazing guy with a profound personal story and great practical advice for anyone serious about building their business.

Marty can be found at www.martyvids.com.au or The Marty Vids show on iTunes .

I really appreciate Marty taking the time to share his business wisdom with us.