Business Relationships

Episode 118: What To Do With Boundary Violations - Part II

Dealing with boundary violations in business relationships

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This particular expands on episode 117 by looking at boundary violations in the business setting. Depending on where you sit in the hierarchy of the business you are in will mean a potentially different approach to poor behaviour. The higher up you are the more power you have to demand what is allowable treatment for you and to police that.

This episode deals with some of the elements you need to take into account when you aren't so high up the food chain. What can we do when we perceive we don't have as much power as we would like? How do we really get to a clarity of thinking and responding that will optimise success and reduce adverse expose?

Boundaries, boundary setting and boundary maintenance is a growing field of understanding. I hope this episode helps.

Episode 70: I Apologise For How I Apologise

How to apologise effectively

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Ever been on the receiving end of a hollow or what you felt was an insincere apology? There is a way to apologise effectively and then there are plenty of ways to deliver an apology that can lead to more disconnection and frustration.

The ability to deliver an apology that works can leave the receiver feeling acknowledged and validated. Who wouldn't want that?

This episode looks at what to do to deliver an apology that works and also what doesn't work. Genuine apologies lead to repair and this leads to us feeling safe in our relationships both in the workplace and at home!

Episode 62: The Emotionally Mature Business

Key elements of an emotionally mature workplace

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It can be terrible to work in a dysfunctional business. A business can be like a family system. Some families are calmer, more productive and supportive than others. The same applies for businesses.

This episode explores some of the key elements that present when we find ourselves in an emotionally mature workplace. The more emotionally mature a work/business environment is, the more productive and profitable it is likely to be, with less problems to deal with.

Episode 59: Understand How To Follow Before Trying To Lead

Why following is an essential business skill

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There is so much talk about developing the skills of good leadership out there. I feel that the skills of being a good follower are massively under valued as a way to advance your professional career.

One of the most consistent complaints I hear from Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and CEOs is that they can't get enough good people to help deliver and support on the business vision.

What are some of the qualities that make up an effective follower? What would be the benefits in developing those skills for myself further?

This episode explores the power of following and how vital to modern business these skills are.

Episode 38: The Joy of Family Business

Key areas of challenge that family businesses face

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If done well a family business can be a fantastic experience! We generally tend to spend more time with those we work with than anyone else. Why not spend it with those you love!

However there can be challenges and risks when we combine family dynamics with the stress and pressure of business. 

It is so important to take the family out of family business at certain times and stick with professional behaviour.

If we can do this we increase the chance of creating healthy, loving, thriving businesses and enjoying family at the same time.


Episode 33: Boundaries Revisited

Healthy Vs Unhealthy Boundaries

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Episode 33 once again looks at boundaries as they are just such a central component to people dynamics.

Depending on the family system, the family culture you grew up in, you can develop a very different idea around boundaries compared to your romantic partner or work colleagues.

This episode explores some of the central elements and points of consideration so as to add to your existing understanding of what is a healthy boundary compared to unhealthy.

Understanding in this critical area of human interaction can really propel us forward into quality fulfilling relationships in every area of life. I hope you find that this episode provokes some contemplation on what you may have been taught directly or indirectly about boundaries in the past.

Episode 32: Self-Awareness and Business Intelligence

The fundamentals of creating a successful business

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Marty Vids is back on the program for this episode. I have heard of him being described as the Happy Entrepreneur which I think is very fitting! Apart from his integrity he has the results on the board having build three businesses from start up to a million dollars turn over a year after tax! Less than 3% of small business owners in Australia achieve that once let alone 3 times!

In this episode we cover a wide range of elements fundamental to creating a successful business, interacting with others, managing set backs and mastering adversity. Marty has a wealth of knowledge and insight to share around modern business, you will really enjoy and take away value form this episode!

Episode 31: Self-Awareness and Relationships

Improving your self-awareness improves your life

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The one consistent element at the centre of all my relationships both successful and unsuccessful is me! One of the most dramatic ways to improve your life is to improve your self-awareness.

Episode 31 looks at a couple of key areas that can assist you in developing self-awareness so as to more effectively achieve goals, reduce recurring unpleasant dynamics with others and just enjoy life more.

We are with ourselves 24/7 so it makes absolute sense to know more about how we are presently putting the world together.

Episode 30: Toxic Behaviour at Work

Types of toxic behaviour that play out in workplaces

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Dysfunctional behaviour in the workplace can have such a detrimental effect on the culture of a workplace, the sense of psychological safety of staff and ultimately the productivity of the business.

In Episode 30 we explore some of the types of toxic behaviour that play out in workplaces. Through having knowledge and being able to identify exactly what is going on we are able to employ effective remedies.

To be in an environment where bullying, belittling and criticism are the norm can be so deflating to a person and really affect quality of life!

Just because certain behaviours are common doesn't make them functional or in the best interest of the business and the individuals within the business.

Two resources drawn from for this Episode are: Running On Empty by Jonice Webb and Taming Toxic People by David Gillespie. Both books are great reads!

Episode 29: Communication Hierarchy and Business

Communicate effectively in a business hierarchy

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Following on from the last few episodes that have looked at soft skills and their importance particularly in business, Episode 29 looks at what is needed to communicate effectively in a business hierarchy.

What is required to be more effective at communicating Up the business chain, lateral to yourself or to those whom you direct and lead? How do we make sure we are taking into consideration the scope of responsibility and motivational drivers of others especially when they are different to ours yet we work together?

This episode is useful for people who work in environments that have a formal hierarchy as well as those that have an informal hierarchy or more level based business structure.

These are principles that will help you stay relevant, be effective and get noticed!


Episode 28: Soft Skills and Emotional Literacy

Develop your emotional literacy skills in order to stay relevant in the workforce

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Episode 28 continues to address soft skills in life and business. 

As business push more and more for the optimal point of effective goal achievement coupled with emotions harmony in the workplace. How do we continue to develop in this area, both as an individual and as a group/team?

This episode is also relevant to parents, especially when factoring in developmental maturity and not inadvertently setting children up to fail which later results in creating limiting beliefs in adults about their capacity to create and achieve!

I hope you find this episode gives you greater insight and food for thought around the power of emotions in business as well as insights into strategies for more effective management of this area.

Episode 25: The Art Of Feedback

Giving and receiving feedback is so vital for many areas in life

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It is essentail for businesses to move forward, for individuals to continue to improve, and for relationships to stay healthy.

This episode looks at tips both for when you are looking to get feedback from others and also for when you are in the position of delivering feedback.

Depending on how we set things up when it is time to offer feedback can have a massive impact on how well and effective the whole process goes.

People who are looking to get better in any area of life are more likely than not going to have to seek out feedback. If we are passionate enough about where it is we are going then we can incorporate and even embrace feedback we need that may not be the feedback we want!

Episode 16: Creating Trust

When we feel psychologically safe, our best emerges.

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We can be so busy trying to appear confident and competent that we can forget how important it is to convey to others that we can be trusted. When we feel psychologically safe our best emerges, especially when mirrored and fostered by those around us.

Episode 16 looks at some of the measurable touch points that allow us to create and foster trust. Through following these frameworks our colleagues and partners know we can be relied upon. It also provides a measurable focus through which we can determine if those around us are worthy of our trust.

This Episode borrows from the ideas of Harvard Professor Amy Cuddy author of Presence and leading Vulnerability researcher Brené Brown Phd author of such books as Daring Greatly amongst other ideas.

Episode 15: Keeping Desire Alive for Busy Couples

How do we continue to allow love to grow without killing the fires of passion or dulling them in constant demands of our lives?

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There is so much pressure these days on us and life can place a lot of demands. Added to this is the changing landscape of modern relationships that require a different approach to continue to stay fresh, alive and invigorated!

Episode 15 looks at what couples need to focus on to continue to thrive in relationship whilst building and running businesses. Love is in part about dependability and stability. Desire is about novelty and mystery. 

A small shift in focus and attention can really provide amazing rewards in our most intimate of relationships! To have the ability to renew and invigorate on an ongoing basis in relationship is so powerful!

Episode 13: Avoiding Burnout

Many people are headed for burnout and aren't even aware that they are.

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Life, business and relationships can be so demanding! Our demanding lifestyles can pull us in all sorts of directions and we can be driven by guilt, obligation and pressure to deliver.

This episode of Tools explores ways to focus on finding an optimal life tempo rather than being trapped in chronic business without actually returning any greater productivity.

 What if by taking a slight step back we actually became more productive, more profitable and we could begin to enjoy our success rather than it become a trap. This Episode looks at how that can and is possible!

Episode 07: Customer Classification

Expanding our contacts and data base is vital to long term business success.

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This Episode looks at a strategy for managing customers and getting the most out of existing business networks whilst building new contacts.

This episode combines the work of Global philanthropist Marshall Thurber and author Malcom Gladwell who has written a number of best-selling books such as The Tipping Point and Blink.

The formula addressed in this episode can really assist in maximising time and focus for building connections.


Episode 04: Understanding Emotional Bids

Emotional Bids are the ways in which we reach out for emotional connection from others.

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It is a central component to why any relationship with another can continue to grow or dissolve.

Emotional Bids go back and forth between individuals all the time and how you respond or others respond to you is vital to relationship health. Knowing this essential concept can support your intimate primary relationship, business relationships and friendships.

Emotional Bids are part of the work of relationship researcher Dr John Gottman, author of the book The Relationship Cure written with Joan DeClaire. 

Anyone wanting to create better connections in their lives need to know about managing Emotional Bids.

Episode 03: Tips for Productive Disagreements

Having healthy fight form reduces stress and preserves relationships long term.

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Arguments, fights and disagreements are a part of life. When we are in stimulating, challenging environments and relationships different points of view arise.

Through knowing how to disagree and not getting stuck on what we are disagreeing about we can emerge from this moments renewed, rather than frustrated and toxic.

Learning how to have more productive disputes is so valuable to continued forward momentum in relationships and business.