
Episode 158: Paying The Price For What You Want

Choosing our sacrifices wisely

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Part of going after a meaningful goal is the things I am willing to give up in order to prioritise my goal. In the course of my career, I have had the privilege to have taught and worked with many successful people who have had to make certain sacrifices to get where they want to go. The effort becomes part of the reward if we have chosen what we will pursue wisely.

It can be very challenging to fix your time, effort and resources on achieving something and when you get there, it doesn’t provide you with the personal payoff or payoffs you thought. I have personally achieved a number of things in my life that didn't actually provide for me all that I thought they would or the joy of achievement was short-lived.

Time is of the essence and when goal setting we need to examine the drivers behind the goal.

What will I choose to let go of in order to prioritise the selected goal and what structures need to be in place to achieve the goal?

This episode explores some of these questions so that we can use the precious time we have available as effectively as possible.

Episode 156: Little Tips That Can Take You Far

Small focus changes to create big rewards

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This episode looks at some of the little focuses that successful people prioritise in pursuit of their goals.

Life is challenging sometimes and staying on track can be a task all of its own. In this episode we look at a few touchpoints that if consistently engaged in can bring great reward.

I hope you enjoy the program and find it helpful.

Episode 88: More Insights On The Inner Critic

Understanding & making an ally of the inner critic

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The kind of relationship that we foster with our Inner Critic can foster success or cause us to give up on our dreams. The number of times that my inner critic has convinced me, in one way or another, that I am not presently good enough… or even that the potential in the future of being good enough is slim happens with alarming regularity!

What are some of the ways in which unhealthy inner critic presents and flattens our confidence?

How can we keep on track and continue to work on the things we are wanting to improve without tearing ourself down all the time?

When appropriately integrated the Inner Critic can be of exceptional value.

Episode 87: Making Progress In Life - Part II

Daily strategies for achieving success

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So you have established the areas of importance to you in your life, and some evidence for how you might like to continue to improve.

This episode looks at a practical daily strategy for achieving that success. How do we manage unplanned interruptions? How do we get back on track? How can we bypass frustration?

In this episode, we address goal setting with built-in secondary and tertiary targets for those days when life decides it has plans for us other than those we set out to achieve.

Little consistent steps in the right direction can over time build into really significant achievements.

Episode 86: Making Progress In Life

Practical planning for getting more out of life

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There is a saying for which I don't know the origin. "Structure provides freedom."

Some structure also helps with progress and human beings tend to do very well when they set a goal and feel that they are making progress towards that goal.

This episode is about setting up some broad structure so as to begin to set up a practical plan for getting more of what you want out of life. Once you nominate some categories of importance to you such as health, friends, romantic relationship and career, then you have a base to measure progress going forward. What are the key areas in your life that deserve some time, focus and attention from you so as to serve as a start point for incremental, measurable steps forward on a consistent basis?

I hope this episode gives you some good insight into setting up a strong foundation or building on what you already have so as to get more of what you want. Enjoy!

Episode 31: Self-Awareness and Relationships

Improving your self-awareness improves your life

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The one consistent element at the centre of all my relationships both successful and unsuccessful is me! One of the most dramatic ways to improve your life is to improve your self-awareness.

Episode 31 looks at a couple of key areas that can assist you in developing self-awareness so as to more effectively achieve goals, reduce recurring unpleasant dynamics with others and just enjoy life more.

We are with ourselves 24/7 so it makes absolute sense to know more about how we are presently putting the world together.

Episode 28: Soft Skills and Emotional Literacy

Develop your emotional literacy skills in order to stay relevant in the workforce

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Episode 28 continues to address soft skills in life and business. 

As business push more and more for the optimal point of effective goal achievement coupled with emotions harmony in the workplace. How do we continue to develop in this area, both as an individual and as a group/team?

This episode is also relevant to parents, especially when factoring in developmental maturity and not inadvertently setting children up to fail which later results in creating limiting beliefs in adults about their capacity to create and achieve!

I hope you find this episode gives you greater insight and food for thought around the power of emotions in business as well as insights into strategies for more effective management of this area.

Episode 26: A Ramble on Motivation

What makes motivation easier to sustain?

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Motivation for some can be about whipping oneself up into a frenzy of desire and activity. I have no issue with this as indeed for some people that is exactly what works!

However, for others, this can be difficult to sustain and that is what Episode 26 looks at. What elements of motivation are good to understand, and how do we operate in a way that supports our motivation and drives.

Self-care and effective strategies will make it easier for you to get motivated and maintain it as you move in the direction of the goals that you have set for yourself. 

Episode 24: What Gets In The Way?

There are so many reasons that we don't get what we want.

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This episode explores what some of those momentum blocking components are.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy so it is so valuable to know how it is that we can get in our own way. Understanding how we prevent our own success and how to identify these elements allows us to break through and get back on track.

I hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps you achieve your goals faster and helps you and others get "unstuck" faster!

Episode 22: Embracing Mistakes

How do we respond effectively when we take a false step?

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There are a lot of elements that lead to people being successful and achieving grand visions. One of these that seems to be very common amongst high achievers is their relationship to mistakes. 

Episode 22 looks at being able to embrace mistakes and see the value in them. It is important to see mistakes as just a part of the process and not over personalise the experience.

Through changing our responses to these moments we can recover more readily, take the learnings, and not allow our confidence to be adversely affected.

The ability to make mistakes and keep moving forward regardless is essential in achieving goals.

Episode 21: Managing Extended Pressure

Identifying what our physical and emotional needs are is fundamental to anyone looking to grow, challenge and expand themselves

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Anyone who is building a business, working on a long-range project or managing life and family can experience periods where it just seems that nothing is working or gaining any real momentum is a grind. Knowing what to do to support yourself through this phase is vital so as to maintain ourselves and the relationships that we have around us.

Episode 21 Managing Extended Pressure looks at how we can sometimes be our own worst enemy by withdrawing from our network and dropping the ball on our self-care rituals. Identifying what our physical and emotional needs are is fundamental to anyone looking to grow, challenge and expand self through business, relationships or any other type of goal you have set for yourself.

How do we not only identify what works to assist us in continuing to show up our best but also how to we continue to stick to what works even when we sometimes don't feel like it.

I hope this episode aids you in moving through a tough period our helps you better prepare for what may be ahead.

Episode 20: The Here to There of Goal Setting

Elements of successful goal setting

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Episode 20 looks at some key elements that can support in delivering on our dreams.

This Episode is based around the Present to Desired State Model form the field of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). NLP is the study of the patterns of excellence in highly successful individuals, the coding of those patterns in a way that makes it easy for the rest of us to utilise those patterns of effectiveness in our lives.

There appears to be a number of skill sets that successful individuals utilise regardless of what their field of endeavour or passion is and goal setting is certainly one that presents consistently. 

This episode is designed to aid the experienced and the novice with elements of effective goal setting. This method can be added to your already successful approach or utilised as a stand alone.

This framework is designed to add to your skill sets whilst still leaving room for you to embrace your own uniqueness in going about the process of achieving your goals.

I hope you find this to be of real practical value. Enjoy!