How assuming your partner is a mind reader affects communication
The idea that the more we love someone the more skilled at mind reading we become causes more problems than it solves!
"You should know what I need if you really loved me!" This isn't helpful and in part stems from childhood where it was our parent's job to interpret our requirements. Depending on your family system that often didn't work so well either!
Healthy dynamics involve communication and willingness to clarify. As we grow and mature our needs change and also how specifically our needs get met.
It is fantasy to think that even with the best fit person for you, that they will magically always be in alignment with you and one step ahead of your requirements. Something of that nature is probably closer to unhealthy enmeshment than to separate adults willingly forming a relationship together and continuing to commit to the relationship as it evolves over time.
This episode looks at how the mind-reading assumptions that can appear in relationship dynamics get in the way of healthy relationship communication.