
Episode 90: Disagreements in Relationship Part II

Grow closer in times of conflict

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Modern relationships are challenging and as we mentioned earlier a good relationship doesn't mean a conflict-free relationship. How we fight is more important over time than what we fight about.

In this episode we continue to look at the resources and focuses that can really help a couple to grow closer even in times of conflict.

There can be multiple areas of challenge and friction for a couple, not to mention differing priorities from time to time. How can we make the path forward as calm and as easy as possible? Avoiding conflict isn't the answer but getting proactive and jointly developing an approach to challenging times could really be advantageous to the relationship!

Episode 89: Disagreements In Relationship Part I

How can we meet in the middle for the long term success of our relationship?

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Healthy relationships aren't conflict-free and require compromise from time to time. When we are choosing to make our romantic relationship a priority then working through differences in personality, preference and culture become necessary.

Differences can become so much more challenging depending on how we approach them. Research indicates that how we fight is far more impactful long term than what we fight about. Couples expert Esther Perel refers to this as fight form.

There are certain aspects of relationships that are solvable and in other areas perhaps it is best to consider how we most effectively work with significant differences over time with willing compromise.

Episode 06: Relationship Success Patterns Part II

Knowing what works and what doesn’t work helps to safe guard relationship success, and optimises the chances of wonderful partnerships.

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This episode follows on from Episode 5 but takes a turn by looking at relationship patterns that disconnect us, frustrate us and despite good intention lead to relationship demise.

This episode combines a number of influences such as Dr John Gottman, author of The Relationship Cure with Joan DeClaire. Nita Tucker the author of Beyond Cinderella, How to Find the Man of Your Dreams and Marry Him, has some great insights into patterns that don’t work. Esther Perel author of Mating in Captivity ideas also influence this podcast and many others.