Self care

Episode 165: Improving Our Relationship With Ourselves

How to develop positive self-regard

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Potentially the greatest place of leverage in having an even better life is in improving your relationship with yourself. We live with ourselves twenty-four hours a day, so would it be a terrible idea to prioritise self-work that helps you further develop an overall sense of positive self-regard?

You can improve your sense of feeling that you are enough and at the same time recognise that you have areas to work on.

What self-care routines work best for you and how consistent with them are you? Do you think about yourself and your life goals as much as you fixate on what others should and shouldn't be doing? Are you as organised as you could be? How do you use alcohol, drugs, business and relationships?

There are a number of ways to continue to improve your relationship with yourself and when we do, we enhance our relationships with those around us and with life. This episode explores some of the aspects of improved self relating.

Episode 149: Treating Self As You Treat Other

Giving to & approaching self in the way we do for others

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Ask me to be present for another person in their moment of perceived failure and I am there with love, compassion, support and nurture. I’m full of encouragement and able to see effectively where they have done better than they presently believe.

However, in my moments of perceived failure, I take a very different approach! The automatic go to seems to be one of critical self-disgust, self frustration and anything else I can think of in the moment to metaphorically punish myself for! It's amazing how quickly I can go historical and bring up a mountain of other perceived failures to throw in my own face! Apparently, this is meant to help, ha, ha!

How can I get to more self-compassion, self-support and self-love? It is quite possibly in the moments where I most want to deny myself my own loving compassion that it is most needed.

Episode 144: Looking At Types of Self Abandonment

Providing self-support when we have been taught the opposite

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There are many ways in which we can give ourselves away and not provide adequate self-support. We are human and compassion for self is required when exploring this area of life.

What did I learn from my family system about choosing togetherness and the temporary approval of others at the expense of my self-approval? This has significant ramifications in both our professional and personal lives.

In this episode, we look at a couple of self-abandonment categories, namely emotional self-abandonment, financial self-abandonment and physical self-abandonment. What did we learn in these areas both directly and indirectly from our families in these areas?

Gaining insight into how our past family system experience isn't for the purpose of blame but rather to allow us to more readily choose how we want to take control of our lives going forward. How much and how well am I actually showing up in my own life, rather than just following a bunch of scripted rules and expectations I picked up in childhood?

May you have every success and joy in your life journey!