Self Skills

Episode 24: What Gets In The Way?

There are so many reasons that we don't get what we want.

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This episode explores what some of those momentum blocking components are.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy so it is so valuable to know how it is that we can get in our own way. Understanding how we prevent our own success and how to identify these elements allows us to break through and get back on track.

I hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps you achieve your goals faster and helps you and others get "unstuck" faster!

Episode 22: Embracing Mistakes

How do we respond effectively when we take a false step?

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There are a lot of elements that lead to people being successful and achieving grand visions. One of these that seems to be very common amongst high achievers is their relationship to mistakes. 

Episode 22 looks at being able to embrace mistakes and see the value in them. It is important to see mistakes as just a part of the process and not over personalise the experience.

Through changing our responses to these moments we can recover more readily, take the learnings, and not allow our confidence to be adversely affected.

The ability to make mistakes and keep moving forward regardless is essential in achieving goals.

Episode 21: Managing Extended Pressure

Identifying what our physical and emotional needs are is fundamental to anyone looking to grow, challenge and expand themselves

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Anyone who is building a business, working on a long-range project or managing life and family can experience periods where it just seems that nothing is working or gaining any real momentum is a grind. Knowing what to do to support yourself through this phase is vital so as to maintain ourselves and the relationships that we have around us.

Episode 21 Managing Extended Pressure looks at how we can sometimes be our own worst enemy by withdrawing from our network and dropping the ball on our self-care rituals. Identifying what our physical and emotional needs are is fundamental to anyone looking to grow, challenge and expand self through business, relationships or any other type of goal you have set for yourself.

How do we not only identify what works to assist us in continuing to show up our best but also how to we continue to stick to what works even when we sometimes don't feel like it.

I hope this episode aids you in moving through a tough period our helps you better prepare for what may be ahead.

Episode 18: Embracing The Imposter Syndrome

We all have moments where we don't feel like we are enough.

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I don't know enough, I don't do enough, I can't be enough! Anyone who is pushing their comfort zone, striving towards goals and building a future will find this Episode valuable. Many of us feel like a fraud from time to time and it really helps to have some methods to confront that.

Episode 18 of Embracing The Imposter Syndrome looks at tips and strategies for managing effectively when you enter that space of critical self-doubt. How to continue to show up and be seen even when we feel we are going to exposed as a fraud for all to see!

Through facing The Imposter Syndrome we can truly grow and develop a deeper sense of confidence as well as self belief!

Episode 16: Creating Trust

When we feel psychologically safe, our best emerges.

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We can be so busy trying to appear confident and competent that we can forget how important it is to convey to others that we can be trusted. When we feel psychologically safe our best emerges, especially when mirrored and fostered by those around us.

Episode 16 looks at some of the measurable touch points that allow us to create and foster trust. Through following these frameworks our colleagues and partners know we can be relied upon. It also provides a measurable focus through which we can determine if those around us are worthy of our trust.

This Episode borrows from the ideas of Harvard Professor Amy Cuddy author of Presence and leading Vulnerability researcher Brené Brown Phd author of such books as Daring Greatly amongst other ideas.

Episode 10: Embracing Rejection

How do we become the kind of person who says yes to the experience of people saying no to us!

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This podcast looks at providing strategies around the effective management of our responses when others turn us down! 

Handling rejection is one of the key success elements for achieving our precious dreams and goals. Rejection can actually be a vital step forward in getting where we want to go so you could be missing out if you try to sidestep it. 

Learning how to neutralise our responses to being rejected can release so much stress and anxiety! I hope you enjoy the episode as much as I enjoyed making it!

Episode 01: Absolute Yes!

How do we decide to spend our time?

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Episode 1 is aimed at providing a strategy for helping to decide what project, activity or people you are going to devote your precious time to engage in. The concept of Absolute Yes or Hell yes comes from the extremely successful entrepreneur and author Derek Sivers as a method for selection of future projects.